Following the border clash with China, the Indian government banned a number of Chinese applications, including the popular Tiktok application. When Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared a self-sufficient India so that there were no short video applications for entertainment, Gujarati launched the 'Mobistar' application to promote self-sufficient India. Which is the first video application in Gujarat. This application makes sense of the concept of "Make in India".
Mobistar is a platform that helps bring the talent of people of all ages to India and other countries and increase their popularity. People who became famous on Tiktok and Instagram are back on Mobistar.
7 Features of the app included :
Now this entertainment app was announced in Ahmedabad. In which many famous social media influencers were present. Compared to other apps, Mobistar has a lot of video editing features and the features of 7 of them have been covered in this app after the Chinese apps were discontinued.
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Launch: Gujarat's first video entertainment app 'Mobistar' launched after Tiktok closes
Ahmedabad 4 hours ago

This app is designed for people of all ages

Following the border clash with China, the Indian government banned a number of Chinese applications, including the popular Tiktok application. When Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared a self-sufficient India so that there were no short video applications for entertainment, Gujarati launched the 'Mobistar' application to promote self-sufficient India. Which is the first video application in Gujarat. This application makes sense of the concept of "Make in India". Mobistar is a platform that helps bring the talent of people of all ages to India and other countries and increase their popularity. People who became famous on Tiktok and Instagram are back on Mobistar.

7 Features of the app included :
Now this entertainment app was announced in Ahmedabad. In which many famous social media influencers were present. Compared to other apps, Mobistar has a lot of video editing features and the features of 7 of them have been covered in this app after the Chinese apps were discontinued.
Famous video creators of Gujarat are making videos :
Mobistar's founding members Shailesh Vasani and Manoj Senghani said, "After the Prime Minister declared India a self-reliant India, we have expanded our working style and launched the Mobistar platform. This application is designed for people of all ages. Video creators are creating videos and getting active on Mobistar. People can watch videos of their interest through this app. In addition, this app has many features that attract people. We have organized this special program to announce this. , Which was attended by about 110 social media influencers and some artist guests also attended.
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Launch: Gujarat's first video entertainment app 'Mobistar' launched after Tiktok closes
Ahmedabad 4 hours ago

This app is designed for people of all ages :

Following the border clash with China, the Indian government banned a number of Chinese applications, including the popular Tiktok application. When Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared a self-sufficient India so that there were no short video applications for entertainment, Gujarati launched the 'Mobistar' application to promote self-sufficient India. Which is the first video application in Gujarat. This application makes sense of the concept of "Make in India". Mobistar is a platform that helps bring the talent of people of all ages to India and other countries and increase their popularity. People who became famous on Tiktok and Instagram are back on Mobistar.

7 Features of the app included :
Now this entertainment app was announced in Ahmedabad. In which many famous social media influencers were present. Compared to other apps, Mobistar has a lot of video editing features and the features of 7 of them have been covered in this app after the Chinese apps were discontinued.
Famous video creators of Gujarat are making videos :
Mobistar's founding members Shailesh Vasani and Manoj Senghani said, "After the Prime Minister declared India a self-reliant India, we have expanded our working style and launched the Mobistar platform. This application is designed for people of all ages. Video creators are creating videos and getting active on Mobistar. People can watch videos of their interest through this app. In addition, this app has many features that attract people. We have organized this special program to announce this. , Which was attended by about 110 social media influencers and some artist guests also attended. "
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More than 1.25 lakh people registered in just 20 days :
Kapil Vasani, a pioneer member of Mobistar, said, "We have created this application to make Gujarat's talent as well as India's across the world a global talent. People from Dubai and other countries are using this app and so far more than 1.25 lakh (iOS + Android users) people have registered in just 20 days and we have got 2.25 lakh videos in 20 days.
The program held in Ahmedabad on Sunday was specially organized to cheer up the video creators and for the pre-Diwali celebration. Also, a homemade rangoli competition will be held in Diwali in which the winner will get a cashback prize.
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